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doubling winders中文是什么意思

用"doubling winders"造句"doubling winders"怎么读"doubling winders" in a sentence


  • 络并机


  • Yj302 double winder applies mechanical - electrical integrated design with simple structure , which facilitates installation , adjustment and operation
  • Operational equipmnt double winder 、 die rotating device 、 tension auto control system 、 plc control system 、 air shaft 、 auto unloader device 、 two or three - layer coextrusion blownand etc
    特殊配置双收卷机、旋转模头、自动张力控制系统、 plc可程式控制系统、气压收卷轴、自动卸料装置、二至三层共挤。
  • Yj301high - speed double winder integrates the advantages of domestic and overseas similar products , is a new typed double winder elaborately designed by us . it is also called urethane elastic fiber double winder
用"doubling winders"造句  
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